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Archaeologists in Jerusalem recently announced the discovery of a 2700-year-old clay seal impression inscribed with the words, "belonging to the governor of the city." The small clay impression was discovered in the dust of a First Temple-era structure near the Western Wall plaza in the Old City of Jerusalem, and depicts two figures in striped garments facing each other. Conservationists from the Israel Antiquities Authority who were preserving the structure wet-sifted the dust that had fallen from between the ancient stones in the wall and discovered the clay impression. Other bullae (seal impressions) had previously been discovered in the structure, leading scholars to believe this area was inhabited by high-ranking officials during the First Temple period. This is the first time a "governor of Jerusalem" seal has been found in an archaeological excavation, and confirms the biblical record of such a position. Two governors of Jerusalem are named in the Old Testament: 2 Kings 23:8 refers to Joshua as the governor of the city, and 2 Chronicles 34:8 mentions Maaseiah in the position during the reign of Josiah.

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