Bryan Windle joins us from Canada to apply archaeology to the life story of one of the most powerful kings in antiquity: King Nebuchadnezzar. Nebuchadnezzar is mentioned over 80 times by name in Scripture in the books of 2 Kings, 1 & 2 Chronicles, Ezra, Nehemiah, Esther, Jeremiah, Ezekiel, and of course, he figures prominently in the book of Daniel.
Digging for Truth TV
- Category: Digging for Truth TV
Even though he is mentioned by name over 1000 times in the Bible, some skeptics and minimalist scholars claim that King David never existed, or, if he did exist, he had just a few hundred followers and controlled only a small territory. Archaeologist Dr. Michael Hasel joins us to talk about the fortified city of Khirbet Qeiyafa from the time of David. Dr. Hasel was one of the Directors of the Qeiyafa excavations from 2007 to 2013.
- Category: Digging for Truth TV
Dr. Boyd Seevers will be joining us to talk about the use of slingstones in the biblical world. We’ll be talking about depictions of slinging on coins and reliefs, and we’ll also discuss the deadly accuracy and effectiveness of ancient slingers. How did a shepherd boy named David take down the invincible Philistine warrior Goliath? Join us to find out!
- Category: Digging for Truth TV
Skeptics claim that the Israelite invasion of Canaan makes the God of the Bible a genocidal maniac and killer, unworthy of our devotion. Did God commit “genocide” in Canaan? How does Jesus Himself deal with the issue of death and judgment? Topics include: humans as instruments of God's judgment, Luke 13:4-5, Jesus "under the ban," and the new heavens and the new earth.
- Category: Digging for Truth TV
According to the OT, the Israelites were instructed by the LORD to wage war upon the nations in Canaan, to make no treaty with them, to show them no mercy. Skeptics claim that this makes the God of the Bible a genocidal maniac and killer, unworthy of our devotion. Is God a moral monster? Did God commit “genocide” in Canaan? Topics include: the doctrine of God, the holiness of God, human sin, foundations for moral arguments, dispossession vs. destruction.
- Category: Digging for Truth TV
Dr. Craig Evans joins us again for part two of our conversation about his book, “Jesus and the Manuscripts.” Dr. Evans will be sharing with us about early pagan magical texts which mention Jesus. We’ll also be discussing other so called Gospels, such as the Gospel of Peter and the Gospel of Thomas. Should these works be included in the NT Canon? Join us and find out!
- Category: Digging for Truth TV
Dr. Craig Evans will be joining us to talk about his book, “Jesus and the Manuscripts.” We'll be discussing the earliest evidence for the preservation and transmission of the New Testament. Topics include the Gospels of Thomas and Peter, and the longevity of NT manuscripts.
- Category: Digging for Truth TV
Today, we will be discussing the Assyrian Empire of the Ancient Near Eastern and its relationship with the Israelites during the divided monarchy. Bryan Windle will join us to tell us about Tiglath Pileser III in particular, one of the most powerful Assyrian kings from this era. Tiglath Pileser was also known as Pul, and both names are found in the Bible and in Assyrian records. We’ll also be talking about Assyrian inscriptions that mention various Israelite kings.