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Digging for Truth TV

Tim Chaffey joins us to talk about the life sized Noah's Ark built by Answers in Genesis in Williamstown, KY. We will be discussing the scope of the Flood as it is given in the biblical texts, the number of animal "kinds" needed, and worldview paradigms. Part One of Two.

Pilate is mentioned by name 56 times in the Gospels. He ruled as the Roman Prefect of Judea from 26-36 AD, and condemned Jesus to death. Bryan Windle joins us to discuss the archaeological and literary evidence for the person of Pontius Pilate, one of the most important figures in world history.

Our knowledge of Gallio in Acts 18 comes not only from Scripture, but also from writers outside of the Bible. Gallio was an important Roman official, and the son of Seneca. Archaeologically there are two discoveries that relate to Gallio: the bema in Corinth and the Delphi Inscription. Bryan Windle breaks it all down for us.

What exactly is the doctrine of providential preservation? What grounds do we have for the claim that God has preserved his written word? Should we say that the preservation of Scripture is a miracle? Dr. Richard Brash joins us to answers these questions (and more) about the preservation of the Bible.

A widespread "ritual purity" culture developed in the days leading up to the events in the NT and the life of Christ. Dr. Scott Stripling joins us to talk about evidence for the ritual purity culture in ancient Judaism and its impact on the early Church. Our discussion will include ABR's excavation of a New Testament village at Khirbet el-Maqatir, and the Holy Grail.

Archaeologist and film maker Joel Kramer (SourceFlix Ministries) joins us from Amman Jordan to talk about the destruction of Jericho in Joshua 6 and the controversies related to the archaeological evidence found at the site. Topics include: evidence for massive fire, the grain harvest, the collapsed city walls, and the "big picture."

Looking for something worthwhile to do during the Corona-virus quarantine? Pastor Bryan Windle and Henry Smith share faith building archaeological resources.

 Dr. Scott Stripling joins us to talk about his new book, "The Power of Covenant in Times of Crisis."

What has the 21st century learned from experiences like 9/11 or the COVID-19 pandemic? In times past, life was understood through the lens of covenant, a concept that has largely fallen off the radar of modern society. History clearly shows that God interacted with man in ancient times through covenants. But is that still how he views humanity today? Does God still covenant?

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