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Digging for Truth TV

Dr. Titus Kennedy joins the show, and we’ll be going on a whirlwind Bible Lands tour. Our regional destinations will include Mesopotamia, Egypt, and Persia. We’ll be using Titus’ latest book as a guide.

We continue our 350-year archaeological and historical journey through the book of Judges with archaeologist Dr. Scott Stripling. Judges is perhaps one of the most unpleasant books in the Bible, but the era is rich with archaeological discoveries which show the reliability of Scripture. Dr. Stripling will be here to guide us through the era (part two).

In this episode of Digging for Truth, we begin a 350-year archaeological and historical journey through the book of Judges with Dr. Scott Stripling. The Judges era was a time of foreign subjugation, moral decay, and idolatry. A vast number of archaeological discoveries from this period correlate with Judges accounts, and Dr. Stripling will be here to break it all down for us.

Who were the Nephilim of Genesis 6? Wild speculations and sensational claims about the Nephilim abound. Misinformation, conspiracy theories, UFOs, and poor biblical interpretation dominate the discussion. We continue our discussion with Dr. Tim Chaffey as he clears away the confusion while we explore his book, “Fallen: The Sons of God and the Nephilim" (Part Two).

Who were the Nephilim of Genesis 6? Wild speculations and sensational claims about the Nephilim abound. Misinformation, conspiracy theories, UFOs, and poor biblical interpretation dominate the discussion. Dr. Tim Chaffey clears away the confusion while we explore his book, “Fallen: The Sons of God and the Nephilim" (Part One).

Dr. Dewayne Bryant joins us to interact with the question, “King David-Man or Myth?” What archaeological evidence mentions King David? Is there evidence Jerusalem was the capital at that time? What do we know about the wealth of David’s son Solomon? Dr. Bryant will help us answer these questions and more.

Are doctrines like the Virgin Birth and the Resurrection of Christ merely stolen from pagan religions from the ancient near east? Dr. Dewayne Bryant of Faulkner University joins us to talk about these claims, which are found all over the internet. Dewayne will help us set the record straight!

Every year, hundreds of archaeological sites from the ancient near east yield their treasures, and 2023 was no different. Bryan Windle joins us to count down the top ten archaeological discoveries for the year. Swords, beads, gates, and new technologies are all part of the story of 2023.

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