General Information | Cost | Travel Details | Online Registration
All registration information may be found here:
Yonder offers travelers insurance to Israel:
Shiloh Spring 2025 Excavation
Ritz Hotel Ibn Khaldun Street 8, Jerusalem
Tel +972-2-5412222
Individual Transportation from Ben Gurion Airport to Ritz Hotel / Jerusalem
The Sheroot or Nesher communal van service travelers have used in the past has gone out of business.
Trains, buses and light-rail do not run on Shabbat (Friday evening to Saturday evening). We are recommending coordinating with other volunteers on the Shiloh Facebook page to save on taxi costs.
For a private taxi, the cost is around $100 USD.
There are multiple steps involved. All steps must be completed!
1. Click Here to fill out registration form (off-site link)
A confirmation letter and registration packet will be emailed to you after receipt of your deposit, including your final price and extensive information on traveling, safety, further study, touring, lectures, etc.
2. Download and complete the Liability Release form
Make sure to initial and complete all witness signatures required. Minors must have a guardian signature as well.
This form must be scanned/photographed and emailed to: OR mailed to the ABR office: Associates for Biblical Research / PO Box 144 / Akron, PA 17501
3. Submit $500 deposit and/or final payment per individual via check or card. (deposit due ASAP, final payments are due MARCH 15, 2025)
Help ABR save on Credit Card bank fees by paying by check, if you are able. Mail check to the ABR office: Associates for Biblical Research / PO Box 144 / Akron, PA 17501
Debit / Credit Card Payment and Instructions
Go to our secure donation page:
- In the ONE TIME GIFT field, click on OTHER and enter the proper dollar amont.
- Fill out the rest of the form. You will make your payment through PayPal.
***You do not need a PayPal account. You can use your Credit Card through PayPal as a guest.
4. Forward your official flight information to once you have it booked.
5. The Israel Population and Immigration Authority (PIBA) has launched an electronic travel authorization (ETA) program that began on June 1, 2024. The new system, known as ETA-IL, will require tourists and business travelers from visa-exempt countries (such as the United States) to submit a travel authorization form online prior to travel. Beginning January 1, 2025, ETA-IL will be mandatory for all travelers from visa-exempt countries, including the United States, and will cost NIS 25 per visitor. Visit to apply.*
6. Meet the Dig Team on Facebook! (highly recommended)
Join the Shiloh facebook page right now to interact with others who are also going to Shiloh! A great place to tag yourself and easily share photos and videos that the ABR staff posts as you are on the excavations... start discussions... ask questions... get connected!
Click here:
SHILOH 2025 Schedule
Saturday May 10: Pre-Dig Tour participants check in at the Ritz Hotel
Sunday May 11 to Saturday May 17: Pre-Dig Tour
Sunday May 18: Pre-Dig Tourists not joining Shiloh Dig check out.
Sunday May 18: Supervisors organize work areas at Shiloh. Volunteers are welcome to help. Check in PM for volunteers at the Ritz Hotel. Arrangements may be made for earlier check in at additional cost, but there is no guarantee of room availability. Check with ABR to confirm availability and pricing for early check in. Do not contact the hotel directly to make reservations. Dig Orientation is at 5:30 PM on the Mezzanine level. Follow the crowd.
Monday May 19 to Friday May 23: Dig at Shiloh. Week One.
Saturday May 24: Diggers check out AM from the Ritz Hotel. FREE DAY.
Sunday May 25: Optional Weekend Touring. Cost: $50 to $60 with entry fees. (Diggers pay for this optional tour in Israel in cash, not in advance). Destinations: TBA
Monday May 26– Friday May 30: Dig at Shiloh. Week Two.
Saturday May 31: Diggers check out AM from the Ritz Hotel. FREE DAY.
Sunday June 1: Optional Weekend Touring. Cost: $50 to $60 with entry fees. (Diggers pay for this optional tour in Israel in cash, not in advance). Destinations: TBA
Monday June 2 – Friday June 6: Dig at Shiloh. Week Three.
Saturday June 7. Diggers check out AM from the Ritz Hotel. FREE DAY.
Sunday June 8: Optional Weekend Touring. Cost: $50 to $60 with entry fees. (Diggers pay for this optional tour in Israel in cash, not in advance). Destinations: TBA
Monday June 9 – Friday June 13: Dig at Shiloh. Week Four.
Saturday June 14: Diggers check out AM from the Ritz Hotel. FREE DAY.
Sunday June 15 – Monday June 23: Post Dig Tour
Monday June 16– Friday June 20: Restoration work at Shiloh. Volunteers are welcome. Check out Saturday 6/21 AM.
Monday June 23: Post Dig Tour participants check out AM.
Excavation / Tour Costs
- Pre-Dig Tour: $1850 (check in Sat 5/10 PM, tour Sun 5/11 AM to Sun 5/18 AM check out [Diggers remain at hotel])
- One Week: $1100 (any one week interval, Sun PM check in to Sat AM check out)
- Two Weeks: $2100 (any two week interval, Sun PM check in to second Sat AM check out)
- Three Weeks: $3000 (any three week interval, Sun PM check in to third Sat AM check out)
- Four Weeks: $3700 (Sun 5/18 PM check in to Sat 6/14 AM check out)
- Post-Dig Tour: $1950 (Sat 6/14 PM check in, tour Sun 6/15 to Mon 6/23 AM check out)
- 5th Week -- Restoration Team: $975 (Sun 6/15 PM check in to Sat 6/21 AM check out)
Contact Henry Smith, Adminstrative Director, with questions or for a price quote.
ABR office: 717-859-3443 / 800-430-0008
Quick Links: Shiloh Dig Home / Shiloh Spring 2024 Excavation (General Information, Cost, Travel Details, Online Registration)