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Research Topics


Archaeological articles and media that focus upon extraordinary discoveries from the world of biblical archaeology that affirm the scriptural accounts.

Archaeological, historical and scientific articles and media that examine ancient biblical manuscripts, inscriptions, materials, tools, and scribal practices.

Archaeological and historical articles, news, and media that focus upon the importance and veracity of Israel’s Conquest of Canaan in the Late Bronze period.

Commentary on recent archaeological discoveries, current issues bearing on the historical reliability of Scripture and other relevant news concerning the Bible.

Articles designed for the purpose of bringing edification to the Church and relating practical life matters to archaeological discoveries.

Archaeological and historical articles, news, and media that focus upon events from the death of Solomon to the end of the Old Testament, circa 931-587 BC.

Archaeological and historical articles, news, and media that focus upon the reliability of the Exodus narratives of the Old Testament, circa 1446-1406 BC.

Biblical, historical, & scientific articles that focus upon the veracity of the Flood account, Noah's Ark & early post-Flood history, & other Flood related topics (Genesis 6-11).

This section is dedicated to ABR founder, Dr. David Livingston. It contains articles written by David over the years. David's lifetime of work in defense of Scripture is an inspiration to us all.


A diversity of apologetic articles and media from various schools of thought are presented that bear upon the existence of God and authority of the Bible.

Biblical, scientific and historical articles & media that focus upon the issue of origins and evolution, and includes the historical veracity of Genesis 1-9.

Additional articles related to this research topic can be found by going to Creation 5500 BC in the Research by Chronological Categories section.

Biblical, archaeological and historical articles and media that focus upon Israel in the period of the Judges.

Archaeological & historical articles and media that focus upon events from the Judges period, and the reigns of Saul, David & Solomon.

Archaeological and historical articles and media examining the events from the Intertestamental and New Testament Era, circa 25-150 AD.

Archaeological and historical articles and media dealing with the veracity and reliability of the Patriarchal narratives found in Genesis, chapters 12-50.

Videos and online audio featuring ABR staff and associates that provide additional information and research in defense of the reliability of the Bible.


Essential articles that define and explicate the meaning, scope, and nature of biblical archaeology.

Biblical, archaeological, and historical articles and media that focus upon the people and geography of the biblical world of the New Testament period.

Biblical, archaeological, and historical articles and media that focus upon the people and geography of the biblical world of the Old Testament period.

Biblical, archaeological and historical articles that focus upon the architecture, structures, and building-practices represented in the biblical accounts.

Archaeological and historical articles and media that examine the culture and practices of the ANE that impact OT hermeneutics and biblical interpretation.

Biblical, archaeological, and historical articles and media that examine the chronological matrix of the Bible and its integration with biblical archaeology.

Historical and scientific articles and media examining the Shroud of Turin and Sudarium of Oviedo and the possible connection with Christ’s crucifixion.

Archaeological and historical articles and media focused upon Egyptian studies in archaeology, especially as it relates to the biblical historical periods.

Field reports from ABR's renewed archaeological excavations at Khirbet el-Maqatir following the site closure due to the Intafada in the year 2000.

Articles that focus upon the origin of the Torah, Enlightenment era attacks and criticism of the Bible, and analysis of the JEDP Theory of Wellhausen.

ABR staff and friends share important articles and media concerning ABR's excavation at Shiloh, current academic research, and updates on important discoveries.

Articles, news, and media discussing biblical and theological matters concerning the Creation account and the early chapters of Genesis.

Additional articles related to this research topic can be found by going to Investigating Origins, or in Ancient Near Eastern Studies, in the Research by Topic section.

Archaeological and historical articles, news, and media that investigate the veracity of the biblical narratives concerning the period of the arrival of Jacob and his family in Egypt until the Exodus.

Archaeological and historical articles, news, and media examining the biblical accounts and historical sources concerning Israel's exile in Babylon and during the era of Persian hegemony.

Archaeological and historical articles, news, and media examining the historical period "between the testaments", from the conclusion of Malachi's prophetic writings until the baptism of Jesus and the onset of his ministry.

Archaeological, historical and scientific articles and media investigating the Ark of the Covenant, a symbol of God's presence and glory.

Archaeological and historical articles, news, and media that examine the New Testament narratives and focus upon the life and ministry of Jesus and his apostles and formation of the early church.

Field reports from the excavation at Tall el-Hammam, Jordan, by ABR Senior Archaeologist, Dr. Gary Byers.

Coins from the historical periods represented in the Scriptures help us to anchor the biblical narratives to key leaders and events in history.

The Bible, archaeology, & history overwhelmingly affirm that the Temple(s) was built over the Temple Mount, in spite of misguided efforts by revisionists.

Mt Ebal is important in the historical narratives of the O.T. ABR's archaeological investigation and ongoing research at Ebal has identified an altar from the time of Joshua, as well as the discovery of a curse tablet dated to the Late Bronze Age.

Research Categories


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