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Shiloh Excavations:
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SHILOH 2025 Schedule

Saturday May 10: Pre-Dig Tour participants check in at the Ritz Hotel

Sunday May 11 to Saturday May 17: Pre-Dig Tour

Sunday May 18: Pre-Dig Tourists not joining Shiloh Dig check out.

Sunday May 18: Supervisors organize work areas at Shiloh. Volunteers are welcome to help. Check in PM for volunteers at the Ritz/Ambassador Hotel. Arrangements may be made for earlier check in at additional cost, but there is no guarantee of room availability. Check with ABR to confirm availability and pricing for early check in. Do not contact the hotel directly to make reservations. Dig Orientation is at 5:30 PM on the Mezzanine level. Follow the crowd.

Monday May 19 to Friday May 23: Dig at Shiloh. Week One.

Saturday May 24: Diggers check out AM from the Ritz Hotel. FREE DAY.

Sunday May 25: Optional Weekend Touring. Cost: $50 to $60 with entry fees. (Diggers pay for this optional tour in Israel in cash, not in advance). Destinations: TBA

Monday May 26– Friday May 30: Dig at Shiloh. Week Two.

Saturday May 31: Diggers check out AM from the Ritz Hotel. FREE DAY.

Sunday June 1: Optional Weekend Touring. Cost: $50 to $60 with entry fees. (Diggers pay for this optional tour in Israel in cash, not in advance). Destinations: TBA

Monday June 2 – Friday June 6: Dig at Shiloh. Week Three.

Saturday June 7. Diggers check out AM from the Ritz Hotel. FREE DAY.

Sunday June 8: Optional Weekend Touring. Cost: $50 to $60 with entry fees. (Diggers pay for this optional tour in Israel in cash, not in advance). Destinations: TBA

Monday June 9 – Friday June 13: Dig at Shiloh. Week Four.

Saturday June 14: Diggers check out AM from the Ritz Hotel. FREE DAY.

Sunday June 15 – Monday June 23: Post Dig Tour

Monday June 16– Friday June 20: Restoration work at Shiloh. Volunteers are welcome. Check out Saturday 6/21 AM.

Monday June 23: Post Dig Tour participants check out AM.

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