Members of the ABR staff gathered together in a roundtable discussion to talk about some of the criticisms presently being leveled against the Bible. Liberal scholars and biblical minimalists continually question the historical existence of David and Solomon as kings of Israel. See the ABR staff discuss this issue in part one of a two-part discussion. In this 11 part series (on a 2 DVD set), find out why you can trust the Bible.
The important and powerful topics include:
Disc One: 64 Minutes
The Battle Over the City of Ai: Joshua 7-8
Bart Ehrman and the Reliability of the New Testament
The Preservation and Reliability of the Biblical Text
King David And Solomon: Men or Myths? Part One
King David And Solomon: Men or Myths? Part Two
The Walls of Jericho: The Skeptics Come Tumblin' Down: Part 1
Disc Two: 54 Minutes
The Walls of Jericho: The Skeptics Come Tumblin' Down: Part 2
The Walls of Jericho: The Skeptics Come Tumblin' Down: Part 3
Don't We Just Need 'Faith'?
Noah and the Flood
The Exodus From Egypt
Despite the claims of modern science, scholarship and culture, the Bible stands, unshaken by the vain imaginations foisted upon it by the minds of fallible, sinful men.
Watch the episode, King David and Solomon: Men or Myths? Part One, for FREE!
Many thanks to Calvary Bible Fellowship Church in Sinking Spring, PA for the use of their church facility to film this roundtable series.