God's voice thunders in marvelous ways; He does great things beyond our understanding. He says to the snow,
Dear friend of ABR,
We enter this holiday season full of thanksgiving and joy for the downpour of God's blessings, and especially for His outpouring of grace in the miracle of Jesus' birth. In Jesus we see the wisdom, power, and love of God manifest in the clearest way possible. God didn't just speak from heaven, but in Christ, He has come forth to enter our world to know our struggle, our pain, our fear. The incarnation of Jesus is far more than a quaint religious event on the Christian calendar; it is the most glorious historical event in human history, full of simplicity, beauty, and grandeur. Praise God for His mighty work in Christ in sending Him to live among us and to save us from our sins!
For 42 years ABR has been declaring God's mighty works in history through careful biblical research and archaeological investigation, and all underwritten through the faithful prayers and support of God's people like you. Thank you for being on the ABR team and for giving of your resources so that ABR might continue following God's call.
Consider for a moment the amazing things that God has done through ABR this year:
- Bryant Wood confronts and resolves the nagging biblical problem of the 'Hittites'. The Hittite issue in Scripture has been the whipping boy of critics determined to show the Bible has glaring historical error. Through careful research in the original Hebrew language, textual analysis, and with the assistance of archaeology, Dr. Wood has finally put to rest this unrelenting conundrum. Dr. Wood's research was recently published in the Journal of the Evangelical Theological Society and can be found here on the ABR website.
- Gordon Franz has set the record straight concerning the location of shipwreck of the Apostle Paul recorded in Acts 27. Sensational claims are an all-too common problem today and ABR stands ready to help the body of Christ sift through all the voices of confusion. See Gordon's article The Lost Shipwreck of Paul here on the ABR website.
- Rick Lanser's research concerning the location of Noah's Ark is shedding important light in the ongoing investigation and debate over this most important artifact from the ancient world. Powerful biblical, geological, historical, and testimonial evidences are joined as Rick carefully defends traditional Mt. Ararat as the final resting place of Noah's great Ark. His four-part series has just been recently published here on the ABR website.
- In 2011 ABR conducted its ninth season of digging at Khirbet el-Maqatir in the Search for Joshua's Ai. This ongoing effort, first begun at Khirbet Nisya, is essential to the mission of ABR. ABR stands upon the revealed word of God in Scripture, but also realizes the importance of providing sound archaeological and historical evidences for seekers and skeptics. Our ongoing archaeological work also strengthens teaching efforts of pastors, teachers, and bible study leaders the world over.
- In addition to our own original research and our dig at Khirbet el-Maqatir, ABR is also a partner working with Dr. Steven Collins in the dig at Tall el-Hammam in Jordan in the continuing search for Sodom and Gomorrah. ABR volunteers and staff members are essential team members in this important archaeological excavation. These include, Gary Byers, ABR Board President, Mike Luddeni, ABR staff photographer, and Walt Pasedag, ABR Board member.
All of these efforts (and many others) are funded and undergirded by your faithful prayers and gifts for ABR. We are a faith ministry and a week does not go by that we are not awed by God's incredible provision for all our needs.
If you have experienced God's gracious showers upon your life this year and have the means to help ABR during this important giving season at Christmas, we ask you to give as generously as possible. We are also aware that many of you may have experienced great financial trial and hardships this year as our national economy continues to struggle. Please know that the Staff of ABR prays for anyone in the ABR family who requests prayer; so let us know how we can pray for you for God's blessing and encouragement. And thank you to all of you who will take a moment and send in that important year-end gift to help support the work of ABR. Every gift, no matter how large or small, is used by God as we seek to reach the seeker and the scholar with the message of hope and life in Jesus Christ.
On behalf of the Board, Staff, and Associates of ABR, I thank you for your critical and essential help for ABR at this important time of year. And may the gentle snow fall and the mighty rains of God's blessings be felt upon your life as He meets your every need in every season of the year. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year from all of us at ABR!
Celebrating the Reason for the Season,
Scott Lanser
Associates for Biblical Research