Here are some highlights of ABR's ministry, including some of the important ministry developments and opportunities that the Lord has set before us...
October 2016
Dear ABR Friends,
Please support the ministry of ABR by praying regularly for the staff, associates, and volunteers, that we would faithfully carry out the call of God for this ministry. We ask that you please give generously at this time if you share our vision to open the hearts of skeptics, provide answers for seekers, and to encourage believers to love God with all their heart, soul, mind, and strength!
Here are some highlights of ABR's ministry, including some of the important ministry developments and opportunities that the Lord has set before us:
Amazing Discoveries at Khirbet el-Maqatir in support of Bible history!
The 2016 Khirbet el-Maqatir summer excavation was a phenomenal success. The dig team uncovered many important artifacts and made numerous important discoveries. Under the leadership of Dig Director Dr. Scott Stripling, ABR's staff archaeologists, square supervisors, and volunteers worked tirelessly to produce a continuing stream of evidence in our efforts to uncover the ancient Conquest city of Ai. Our search for Ai began in 1979 at Khirbet Nisya under the visionary leadership of ABR's founder, Dr. David Livingston, and continued on at Khirbet el-Maqatir, under the faithful, guiding hand of Dr. Bryant Wood from 1994 until 2014. After handing over the reins as Dig Director to Dr. Stripling, Dr. Wood has been serving as ABR's Director of Research. Our journey in search of 'The Lost City of Ai' has been and will continue to be an exciting quest. We feel a deep sense of accomplishment as the scholarly community has slowly acknowledged Maqatir as the likely site of the city of Ai, and has been forced to confront ABR's research and the evidence for the Conquest uncovered there.
But we still have much work to do. Our active excavations will soon be wrapping up at Khirbet Maqatir at the close of this year, as we hold one final season of digging in late December at the site. After the conclusion of our excavations, our momentous 4-volume final report will be submitted to the Israeli Antiquities Authority, reviewing our discoveries, our careful research and analysis, and the scientific interpretations of the data. Please pray for us! The submission of our final reports will be costly and exhausting, but our work will not be complete until these reports have been submitted.
Museum Exhibits Proclaim the Reliability of God's Word!
ABR opened its first exhibit on the amazing artifacts and discoveries made at Khirbet el-Maqatir in 2014 at Houston Baptist University, called Khirbet el-Maqatir: A History of a Biblical Site. The exhibit then moved to Tennessee to the Museum Center at 5Points at Lee University in 2015, and is currently on display at Faulkner University in Montgomery, Alabama. In January 2017 the exhibit will then be moving to the University of Pikeville in Kentucky. This exhibit has opened the world of biblical archaeology to thousands of visitors, and has been a powerful testimony to the historical reliability of the biblical accounts! The exhibit at the University of Pikeville will be expanded to include artifacts on loan from The Horn Museum and David Dorsey Museum. This expanded exhibit-in a newly designed museum facility in historic Pikeville-will provide a wonderful venue for the thousands of students and visitors who will admire and celebrate an amazing assortment of artifacts representing both the Old and New Testament periods.
The New Shiloh Excavations begin in 2017!
As many of you know, ABR has been invited to begin excavations at the ancient and storied city of Shiloh, under the auspices of the Civil Administration of Judea and Samaria. What an extraordinary and exciting time for ABR! The Shiloh excavation will place the ABR ministry at the center of one of the most important excavations in the Holy Land. Please pray for us as we continue our rigorous efforts in preparation for God's call to this historic task.
ABR's teaching ministry!
Dr. Bryant Wood will be lecturing on the 15th century Conquest theory and ABR's research on Jericho and Ai in October at Emmaus Bible College in Dubuque, Iowa. Please visit the ABR website to get all of the details. ABR continues its exciting and important research and writing ministry, shedding light on many significant areas of biblical research. Our recent investigations into the chronologies of Genesis 5 and 11, ongoing Noah's Ark research, and new discoveries concerning evidence of Israel in Egypt are just a few of the important areas of focus and research ABR is engaged in. Please be sure to get a copy of Dr. Douglas Petrovich's new DVD, Correlating Biblical and Egyptian Chronology on the ABR website!
ABR's Banquets
In April of 2016 Dr. Voddie Baucham delivered a powerful keynote address at the ABR annual banquet. His message was a tour de force for the value of biblical archaeology in our witness for Christ in the world. Voddie focused sharply on the authority of the Scriptures and challenged the ABR family to stand even more boldly on God's revelation, the word of God. In April of 2017 we will welcome Dr. Frank Turek, the author of I Don't Have Enough Faith to be an Atheist and Stealing from God: Why Atheists Need God to Make Their Case. Frank is the President of and has a dynamic speaking ministry, reaching out to teens and college students across the USA. We look forward with great anticipation to this very special event with Dr. Turek!
These are just a few of the important highlights concerning the work of God through the ministry of ABR. And God sustains this work through individuals like you! The gifts and prayers of God's people are offered by faith as they respond to the prompting of His Spirit; these acts of faith are what God uses in unleashing His power and provision for ABR! If God has prompted you this day, please give generously and be a part of this very special ministry for the glory of God!
All for Jesus,
Scott Lanser
Director of ABR