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A 12-year-old girl found an ancient scarab (an Egyptian amulet carved in the shape of a beetle) on the ground while hiking near Tel Qana. Incised on the scarab are two scorpions in opposite directions, a nefer symbol (meaning “good” or “chosen”) and possibly a royal staff. The scorpion is a symbol that was used to represent Serket, an Egyptian goddess of healing and protection. In the Israel Antiquities Authority’s press release (see link below), Dr. Amit Dagan, from Bar-Ilan University, who is the director of excavations at Tel Qana, and Dr. Ayelet Dayan from the Israel Antiquities Authority are quoted as saying, “This find is both exciting and significant. The scarab and its unique pictorial features, along with other finds discovered at Tel Qana with similar motifs, provide new insights into the nature of the Egyptian influence in the region in general, and the Yarkon area in particular.” 


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