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Dr. D. James Kennedy writes an article outlining some well known discoveries from the world of biblical archaeology that refute the critics and provide church goers with basic evidences that uphold the authority of Scripture. Dr. Gerhard Hasel wrote an article some years ago pertaining to the Dead Sea Scrolls and the Book of Daniel. In part, this article demonstrates that Daniel was not written in the 2nd century B.C. Along with the Nabonidus cylinder, the DSS provide us with more evidence that Daniel was written at the time the Bible records, and that the prophecy concerning Cyrus the Great was not invented by editors after the fact. Dr. Bryant Wood details the evidence concerning Assyrian inscriptions and the Kings of Israel. Mike Caba writes about 'Three Kings in A Verse', found in II Kings 19:9. ABR founder, Dr. David Livingston discusses the evidence pertaining to the Israelite destruction of Jericho, and interacts particularly with the Canaanite moon god and its utter defeat by Yahweh. 'Fall of the Moon City' is a must read! We hope you enjoy another content packed issue of Bible Spade, soon to be delivered to your door!

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