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A collection of two dozen bronze statues discovered by an archaeological team working in Tuscany is set to go on display at the Quirinale Palace in Rome. The statues, which date from the third century BC to the first century AD, were first unearthed in 2021 and 2022 and have spent months being restored. They were discovered in large part due to a tip from a local historian. The archaeologists had been searching for the site’s famous thermal spas known from history but were unable to locate the remains. Following the tip from a local man, they found several ancient Roman columns that were visible only from an abandoned garden. Immediately the team discovered the remains of the spa and dozens of bronze statues, coins, and sculptures of body parts. These were likely offerings to the gods from those using the spa in ancient times. In the article below, Ada Salvi, a Culture Ministry archaeologist for the Tuscan provinces of Siena, Grosseto and Arezzo is quoted as stating, "It opens a window into how Romans and Etruscans experienced the nexus between health, religion and spirituality, There's a whole world of meaning that has to be understood and studied."


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