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A papyrus fragment containing quotes from Matthew, Luke, and the Gnostic Gospel of Thomas was recently published in the most recent volume of the Oxyrhynchus Papyri (volume LXXXVII). The papyrus dates to the late second or early third century and is part of the collection of over 500,000 papyri discovered at Oxyrhynchus, Egypt in the late 1800’s and early 1900’s by Bernard Grenfell and Arthur Hunt. The fragment, known by it’s technical designation P.Oxy. 5575, contains small portions of Matthew 6, Luke 12 and the Gospel of Thomas 27. It is the oldest manuscript with text from Matt 6 and the earliest witness to the Gospel of Thomas. The Gnostic Gospel of Thomas is a later, second-century work that purports to contain secret sayings that Jesus gave only to Thomas, and it is not considered an authentic record of actual sayings by the historical Jesus described by the canonical Gospels from the first century

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