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A man hiking in the Nahal Tabor Nature Reserve near Tel Rekhesh in the Lower Galilee discovered a rare carnelian scarab that had been exposed by recent rains. A scarab is a small seal or amulet constructed in the shape of a dung beetle on one side and usually bearing a design or inscription on the base. While many scarabs originated in Egypt, an archaeologist with the Israel Antiquities Authority believes this scarab may have been made for an Assyrian or Babylonian official over 2500-years ago. Carnelian scarabs are rare, as scarabs are more often made of Egyptian faience or carved from other stone, such as steatite. Tell Rekhesh has been identified with biblical Anaharath (Jos 19:19) and contains the remains of a building complex on the summit of the tell that was in use during the periods of Assyrian and Babylonian control of the region. 


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