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Lately my son, Barry, and I have been experimenting with shooting aerial video from a remote control helicopter. The Old City of Jerusalem is a no fly zone. However, we received special permission to video the Jerusalem excavation where I am a staff member. This morning we had one take at flying over the Old City in the early light of dawn. We had a great challenge, though; we couldn't see what the camera saw. We were shooting blind due to a monitor malfunction. As the Bible says, sometimes we have to be blind to truly see.

The shot that you see takes in the 'City of the Great King' (Matt 5:35). As Barry pilots the copter, our camera slowly approaches the Temple Mount and the Church of the Holy Sepulcher can be seen to the north (left) where Jesus was crucified and rose from the dead. Beneath the Dome of the Rock is the outcropping where God provided a substitute sacrifice for Isaac and where the Holy of Holies was located in the temple of Yahweh, the temple that Jesus stood next to and said of Himself, '...something greater than the temple is here.' (Matt 12:6). In the background you can see the Mount of Olives where Jesus ascended into heaven and where he will return. Just as with the Bible, so too the city of Jerusalem is all about Jesus!

Lately, our hearts have been heavy with all the spilled blood and turmoil going on in and around Jerusalem. Peace is a person. Jerusalem shall be the city of peace when the Prince of Peace comes and takes his rightful throne!

Come Lord Jesus!

For more about the ministry of Joel Kramer and his family, visit: Sourceflix

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