In the September 2019 issue of the Journal of the Evangelical Theological Society, independent researcher Larry D. Bruce advanced the idea that Israel may have been living in the land of Goshen at the end of the 13th century BC. His primary support for this conjecture was a reexamination of the Merneptah Stela that allowed for Israel to be viewed as a foreign entity while simultaneously dwelling in the Wadi Tumilat region of the Nile delta (biblical Goshen) in Lower Egypt. In his analysis, Bruce presents linguistic, literary, historical and archaeological evidence to support his hypothesis, focusing not only on Egyptology but also the archaeology of the Levant in the Late Bronze and early Iron Ages. Bruce's desire is to show that the Israelite exodus correlates better with historical and archaeological data when placed in the context of the early 12th century BC. This article seeks to summarize Bruce's arguments before evaluating his hypothesis in light of relevant biblical, historical, and archaeological data...
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