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Digging for Truth TV

Archaeologist Gary Byers joins us from New Mexico to talk about ancient seals in archaeology and the Bible. Topics include: the 15th century BC scarab from Joshua's Ai, bullae, signet rings, and God's seal of salvation.

Pastor Bryan Windle joins us to talk about the Roman Emperor Caesar Augustus, who was on the throne when Jesus was born. Luke chapter 2 indicates that Augustus was ruling Rome, and a census took place at that time. The Apostle Paul tells us in Galatians that “in the fullness of time, God sent His Son.” Find out more about the historical times which Jesus the Messiah entered the world as a baby.

Pastor Bryan Windle joins us to talk about the Roman Census that took place when Jesus was born. According to Luke chapter two, Quirinius was governing in Syria at that time. Is Luke’s account of the census and Quirinius accurate? Was Quirinius a real government official exercising authority in Syria? Is there archaeological and historical evidence outside the Bible for these events surrounding the birth of Christ? Tune into Digging for Truth and find out!

Archaeologist Gary Byers will joins us from New Mexico to talk about the Christmas Story found in the New Testament. We will be looking closely at the biblical text and then we will compare it to modern day nativity scenes. Gary will be talking about the Church of the Nativity in Bethlehem, first century homes, and the innkeeper and the inn. Have we been correct in our understanding of the Christmas Story? Tune in to D4T and find out!

Geologist Dr. Andrew Snelling joins us again to talk about scientific methods used to date the earth and events of the past. In particular, we’ll be discussing radiocarbon dating (C-14), building on our last episode about radiometric dating. Dr. Snelling explains the methods and the unprovable assumptions built into them.

Geologist Dr. Andrew Snelling joins us to talk about scientific methods used to date the earth. In particular, we’ll be discussing radiometric dating and demonstrating how these methods have fatal flaws. Rocks known to be only just 10 years old have yielded dates of millions of years. Dr. Snelling explains the methods and the unprovable assumptions built into them.

Septuagint scholar Dr. William Ross joins us again to talk about the history and significance of the Greek translation of the Old Testament. Topics include: the New Testament use of the LXX, the Letter of Aristeas, and the LXX in the Dead Sea Scrolls (part two).

Dr. Ross is Assistant Professor of Old Testament at Reformed Theological Seminary (Charlotte, NC). Please visit Dr. Ross' informative LXX blog, Septuaginta &C., at:​

Septuagint scholar Dr. William Ross joins us to talk about the history and significance of the Greek translation of the Old Testament. Topics include: the Letter of Aristeas, the great LXX Codices, the LXX in the Dead Sea Scrolls, and the Greek Minor Prophet Scroll from Nahal Hever (part one). Dr. Ross is Assistant Professor of Old Testament at Reformed Theological Seminary (Charlotte, NC). Please visit Dr. Ross' informative LXX blog, Septuaginta & C., at:

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