In the fourth episode in a four part series, "Defending the Faith in a Faithless World," Ted Wright joins us again to talk about the reliability of the New Testament. Subjects include: eyewitnesses, historical records, archaeological evidence, the Resurrection, and Josephus and Tacitus.
Digging for Truth TV
- Category: Digging for Truth TV
- Category: Digging for Truth TV
In part 3 of a 4 part series, Ted Wright joins us again to discuss "Defending the Faith." We will be asking the question, "Are Miracles Possible?" Topics include: theism, atheism, pantheism, natural laws, the open and closed box, and Jesus' Resurrection.
- Category: Digging for Truth TV
In the second part of our series, "Defending the Faith in a Faithless World," Ted Wright of Epic Archaeology joins us to explore the basic question: "Is There Evidence for God's Existence?" We will be discussing natural revelation, human conscience, the cosmological and teleological arguments, and design in the universe.
- Category: Digging for Truth TV
In the first of a four part series, Ted Wright of Epic Archaeology joins us to talk about Defending the Christian faith. We will be talking about the question, "Does Truth Exist?"
- Category: Digging for Truth TV
King Ahab ruled in Israel for 22 years. A great deal of archaeological evidence has been found connected to this wicked king. Bryan Windle will join us to talk about the Samaria ivories, the Kurkh Monolith, Jezebel's seal, and Naboth's vineyard.
- Category: Digging for Truth TV
Bryan Windle joins us to discuss the life and times of King Hezekiah. Topics of discussion include: Hezekiah's tunnel, seals and bullae, the Siloam Inscription, Lachish, and the Taylor Prism.
- Category: Digging for Truth TV
Dr. Scott Stripling, Associates for Biblical Research Director of the Shiloh Excavations, joins us to talk about the historical and archaeological evidence for synagogues in the days of Jesus Christ. Topics include: synagogues in the NT and their purposes, and archaeological evidence in Judea and Samaria for synagogues in the New Testament era.
- Category: Digging for Truth TV
Tim Chaffey joins us for our second episode to talk about the life sized Noah's Ark built by Answers in Genesis in Williamstown, KY.